“Automating away the issue around high network transaction fees”

2021 has seen a stark increase in transaction fees on popular crypto networks, none so more than Ethereum, where user-facing fees have regularly crossed $100 for long periods of time. The idea is that every platform, centralized or decentralized, worth its salt should provide the “ability to let users schedule a transaction when the associated … Read more

“The flip side of Google’s always-on single sign-on experience is the lack of privacy when you need it the most”

Most people who use personal laptops stay signed in to their email & social media accounts, and Big Tech firms like Google encourage & enable this behaviour – for instance, Chrome asks you to ‘sign in’ to your browser by using your Google account credentials. That allows Google to keep all your content & browsing … Read more

How Google Chrome can be further improved

Over the past 15 years, I’ve used almost every browser that has come along – starting with Internet Explorer, then Netscape Navigator, then Opera, then Mozilla Firefox and then finally Google Chrome. IE was always too bulky and slow, and it amazes me that it is still the leading browser in use around the world. … Read more

“Reinventing life for the resume maker in each of us…”

Making resumes is an iterative process. A long, arduous one – depending on your proclivity towards the same. Which, unless you’re a resume-maker by profession, is probably close to zero. You ask someone who has a keen eye for detail, an OCD for accuracy, unwillingness to haphazardly copy-paste something together, patience to give every word … Read more

In the era of zero to no privacy, doesn’t the world need…

…a service that scours the world wide web and tells you where your email ID is registered? It might have been the technology forums you registered on 3 years ago when you were desperately looking to revive your dead laptop by hunting for answers using your slow phone browser, or the product review sites you … Read more

“SMS texts need to evolve…”

I mean, if SMS texts have evolved from using alphabets and digits to using special characters to allowing those special characters to show up as emoticons in your text messages, you would think that bold and italics and underline aren’t too far behind, right? And if they aren’t, where are they? Don’t they know they’re … Read more

Four degrees of separation

The idea of six degrees of separation was expressed by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929 and for the past few decades, it has been part of our consciousness with respect to how the world is shrinking. However, more 80 years later, I find it surprising that no one has revised the degree of six downwards. Today … Read more

Your impact on your social network

Facebook, like no other entity of our time, has been advocating a more open and connected world since the get-go. One way Facebook is attempting to build user involvement in this endeavour is by measuring a user’s impact on his or her network. In this case, impact is measured as the Number of people the … Read more