How IMDb can go from reactively tracking movies to proactively changing the movie industry

IMDb has been around since 1990 and has been able to surpass our expectations of what a movie database should possess. Not only does IMDb allow for movies to be rated on a scale of 1 to 10 which help viewers decide which movies to watch – but it has now become the largest global … Read more

Is Facebook’s graph theory algorithm working fine?

I’m not sure how many of you have noticed this but there are days when your count of friends on Facebook fluctuates up and down. Not by much, mind you… maybe 1 or 2, sometimes even 3. And I’d be wrong to say that it fluctuates up and down… it usually goes down, then comes … Read more

Inventions to make life easier – Google – Gmail

Gmail has, over the years, intelligently avoided the problem of folders by using labels. However, there are usability issues that they haven’t addressed yet, and hence remain unsolved – _____________________________________________________ 1 – No way to sort mails since inbox is sorted by date of receipt (latest to oldest) by default This means if I want … Read more